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Welcome to Inner Quest Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy

Whether your problem is physical, emotional or mental, Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy is an effective tool to help you overcome your problem.  It can be amazingly effective for major changes in an individual’s life pattern.

Whether you want a more exciting life, a better career, more confidence, achieve success, attract the right partner, or self-improvement, Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy can help you achieve your goals.

Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for promoting healing, growth, and transformation.  It works by activating a creative state of mind and body where new learning can occur effectively.  Once awakened this creative space can help provide you with the knowledge and energy you need to succeed in life, helping to building new beliefs and to focus action.

Through regular hypnotherapy sessions you will find a richer life unfolding naturally, with deeper friendships, faster healing, increased income, improved concentration and learning, whatever you seek.

You can begin making progress, feeling more in control of your life, feeling empowered to move toward your goals more confidently and more powerfully.

Your Thoughts, Beliefs and Past Experiences Have Determined Your Choices

The beliefs we hold about self, others, and the world influence every single experience we have. For example, if we believe we are not smart enough or that we are unattractive, that the world is not safe, or that we are not loved by other people, then our life becomes limited and constricted. On the other hand, if we believe that we are worthy, that the world is good, and that we are loved by others, then our life expands. 

These limiting beliefs and their influence can overshadow an entire life journey. Over time the problems can worsen as life circumstances reinforce and strengthen limiting beliefs. 

The best strategy, however, is not to wait passively for things to change, but rather to consciously work on removing limiting beliefs and replacing them with empowering new ones. We all possess the potential for an incredible life journey. If we can learn to work more intentionally with our beliefs, then we will possess a key to achieving the greatest life possible.

When we heal our beliefs, those transformed beliefs can begin to heal us. To succeed in the process of transforming and empowering new beliefs we need to strategically address those protective mechanisms.

Hypnotherapy Is A Tool For Transforming Beliefs

Hypnotherapy goes to the root level of our perceptions about life providing the requisite nourishment and vital energy necessary for deep change to occur. It is a tool that gives us a way to become the person we were born to be.

Hypnotherapy & Hypnotherapy can be used for working on:

  • relationship issues
  • body and health concerns
  • addictions
  • self-image
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • public speaking
  • earning more money
  • experiencing greater courage
  • getting better grades
  • passing exams
  • finding a career
  • and more

Hypnotherapy will make it possible for you to establish a fresh outlook and a positive approach to problems, and it will provide you with the new skills necessary to alter old habits.

Inner Quest Hypnotherapy can help you work through your emotions and remove the obstacles that are in the way of your greater happiness and fulfillment.  

To address the whole person towards healing the mind, body and spirit Inner Quest utilizes:

Hi, I am Clarice!

I believe that each person has the answers within themselves.  I help my clients to choose their own path, honor their values, and access their truths.  My personal style is honest, respectful and non-judgmental.

My passion for my profession and my love for people has brought me success in this rewarding profession to help others to achieve happiness, health and wellness.

Services Offered

Inner Quest Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Services

We cannot change anything until we accept it.

Hypnotherapy can help!

Childhood Trauma

Clarice is a tremendously gifted healer. I went to her to heal some childhood trauma.  We decided together that age regression therapy would be best for me. With her guidance, I was able to release myself from my painful childhood memories.  The work she does is amazing and transformative. I am truly grateful to Clarice. I highly recommend her.

Patricia Pierce

Subconscious Patterns

Clarice is a very gifted healer.  She works very quickly and she immediately gets to the heart of the issue at hand.  Her ability to hold space while I worked through different subconscious patterns is wonderful.  I am grateful for my work with her and look forward to more sessions in the future.

Jules B.

Fear Of Flying

If you want to move forward in life Clarice is the one to see.  I have been petrified to fly for over 25 years and after seeing Clarice...I FLY! With her help it's really that simple.  I'm pretty hard headed so I'm not sure how she got through to me but she did.  I am extremely grateful because now I can enjoy an event that I used to anguish over.  I've been able to use her techniques and implement them into other areas of my life.  I'm truly not limited anymore...I can Fly!  Thanks Clarice!

Deanna M.
Inner Peace and Joy

I simply can not say how profoundly Clarice has helped me to find my inner peace and joy.   She is an amazing healer and I feel incredibly blessed to have been able to find her. If you need help sorting “it” out, Clarice can give you the help you seek!

Amanda Robinson

Public Speaking

Clarice is incredible. She has a unique ability to help you find the very things you need to work on to improve your life. She helped me conquer a fear of public speaking and enabled me to turn the uncertain into power.  I can't recommend her enough.



The place that changes lives forever!   I was really skeptical but since I told my partner I was going to see a hypnotherapist I had to go through with it and boy am I so glad I did.  It only took a few sessions and I was a changed man.  I am over three months sober without any desires or craving to drink.  I can host parties and be around alcohol without any problems of wanting one.   I truly recommend you see this lady she is great!!  Easy going no hassles, it’s very simple... I highly recommend her.

DJ Alvarez


Truly amazing Hypnotherapist 😉   Clarice is an incredibly kind, amazing person with a natural talent for healing. She helped me work through some childhood issues that were affecting my adult life and within a relatively short period was able to reclassify some fairly traumatic experiences.  I highly recommend her to anyone looking to push beyond mental limitations.  Her positive insight and consistent encouragement are well worth the price of admission.


Positive Therapy

Clarice,  I am extremely grateful for your expert therapy. More so, I am so profoundly pleased and grateful that you have the ability to clearly perceive a given situation and know the best possible way to mitigate it. You... and your work... are such marvelous blessings.  Thank you very much!

Bob Crum

Find Clarity

Clarice has a gift. She is able to empower and reassure and provides this in a warm and soothing environment.  I found clarity and a firm resolve toward my initial challenge, which seemed overpowering and formidable at the time. This has definitely carried over to other aspects of my life.  I am amazed at the power of hypnotherapy to unleash untapped potential.



How much are you worth? I've been seeing Clarice off and on for a few years. I initially went to quit smoking, but decided to start unraveling what made me tick. What made me make my decisions that were not helping me.  Clarice has been an absolute gift from the universe. As a result of her tailored sessions, I feel like I am living for the first time.  I don't know what I would do without her. 🙂

Nalene Lorenz

Insecurity and depression

Clarice is absolutely amazing at what she does! She helped me get through some of the toughest and darkest times of my life. I was in a state of confusion, doubt, insecurity, and depression, and with Clarice's help I was able to get through this dark period of my life.  She helped me get in touch with my emotions and understand things about my self that I had not previously. Very knowledgeable, compassionate, and amazing person.

Vilo S.

Habit Control

I had a very positive experience with Clarice and I responded very well to this treatment. I had 6 sessions over a period of 2 1/2 months and she helped me with several things I was hoping to change. Some habit control, some more general life outlook things.  Every time I left my mind felt relaxed and my body felt energized, which was the opposite of how I felt before.  I would absolutely go back if more things come up in the future.

Caleb E.

Exam Anxiety

I was looking into hypnosis to help with test anxiety and came across a few different sites before finding Clarice at Inner Quest Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy. After visiting her site and learning more about her and the different types of things she does, it seemed only natural to go to her for help and support, and I don't regret it for a second! She is warm, friendly and good at her job. She gets to the bottom of the problem and teaches you skills and strategies that you can incorporate into your problems immediately. She offers various packages if you're interested and does not try to push anything on you that you don't want to do or aren't ready to do. I would go to her again and recommend her to anyone.

Mike H.

Heal and Find Yourself

Clarice helps you heal and find yourself.  Everybody tries to find themselves at some point, we are constantly buried in a pile of lies and we lose ourselves over time. Clarice with each session helps me bring a little closer to my self, she goes beyond her ways to help. I am glad I found her and I think its the cosmos who sent her to help me, i truly believe that. I had questions/doubts about what hypnosis and was skeptical in the beginning but it helped me calm my mind. And she always asks right questions which helps you come one step closer to your true self. Please take her help to heal.

Jacky D.

Alcohol Dependency

I went to Clarice because I wanted stop my alcoholic dependency.   My drinking over the years had gotten worse and I wanted to know why and to break the vicious cycle.  From the first session Clarice started opening up old family wounds that over the years had caused doubts about how I was raising my daughter, insecurities at work and how to handle relationships.  In Five sessions we unraveled so many things and I felt like a weight was lifted off me and not drinking was not hard at all.  I would go to her for any type of problem for it was an amazing process.

Barbara E.

Courage and Confidence

I love Clarice! She is the best hypnotherapist I can possibly imagine. She is incredibly attentive, and genuinely wants to help! I feel safe and comfortable with her, and she has truly been the reason why I have been able to make so many positive changes  in my life altogether.  She has given me the courage and confidence to fulfill my dreams and I couldn't thank her enough. I have learned so much from her as well ,which I apply in my day to day life.  She is passionate about what she does, and she is someone whom you can trust. I love and respect her as a person, and value her expertise.  I highly recommend her to anyone who needs help with absolutely ANYTHING. She is warm and welcoming, and I am so happy I have found her.


Fear and Anger

I came to Clarice because I had various fear and anger issues that was affecting my relationships and from day one Clarice helped me recognize my patterns and gave me techniques to use while outside her office. She was always very professional, respectful and her welcoming behavior allowed me to feel comfortable about opening up. There was never any judgement or criticism. I learned a great deal about myself while working with Clarice and will be forever grateful for all that she has helped me bring back into my life.  Thank you Clarice!



I first visited Clarice for an anxiety problem I suffered due to my hostile work environment.  After only a few sessions my anxiety levels had diminished and I became clear on how I wanted to handle my work situation, which had been plaguing me for over 6 months.  Now I intend to keep on visiting Clarice just to help me create more of the kind of life I want to live.  I highly recommend Clarice  to anyone who wants to change their lives for the better.


Sleep Disorder

With great enthusiasm, I write this review about Ms. Clarice Barkhordarian and the hypnotherapy services she provided me regarding my sleep issues.  Ms. Barkhordarian's professionalism was evident within the first five minutes of contact. During our sessions, I realized the depth and breadth of her knowledge base in hypnotherapy. Clarice is articulate, perceptive and warm. She clearly assessed my issues and worked with me to develop tangible and pragmatic solutions. As a result, my sleep issues are being progressively resolved.  I look forward to future sessions with Clarice for reinforcement and sincerely hope we maintain contact!



Hi Clarice,

I passed my exam above the passing score. The whole family was happy that I passed. I finally got the chance to email you back. Since heading back to San Francisco for a couple of weeks, I was unable to get back to you soon. I thanked you on my Facebook page on the day after the exam. I was celebrating a lot after. Well the hypnotherapy worked.  Thank you for all your help.


Change After Chemotherapy

Dear Clarice,
To say "Thank you" for helping me get my life back would be such an understatement of what I feel.  I knew there were changes in me after undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer,  but I had no idea what had caused those changes.  Helping me discover what was actually going on has made my life the free and happy life it had always been.  My husband and I are once again the "love birds" we always were.  I can not express how happy we both are and what a difference you have made in our lives.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.  I still haven't ridden my motorcycle, but it is in my future to do so.  May God bless you for the help you give to others.
Lynn Koch

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